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Skribentens bildKermits Library

“One may smile, and smile, and be a villain. ” -William 'Kermit' Shakespeare ♛

“Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him"

Poor Kermit, he lost his friend, will his jester ever return to him?

Kermit was overheard trashing the graveyard and screaming:

"I has't Fozzie the Bear but that gent doest not compareth to thee mine own sweet, Yorick. I am nothing but a green frog without thee."

It's Shakespeare tuesday everyone! If you know anything about me, it is that I am the biggest Shakespeare fan, I've read most of his work and will not be taking questions regarding them please and thank you. (excuse Kermits attitude, he's hurt over the Yorick thing, he will absolutely take questions regarding Shakespeare)

I've been a huge Shakespeare fan for some time now, I did my final project for my BA regarding Shakespeare and gender stereotypes which was basically about Macbeth and Twelft Night and the portrayal and difference of the stereotypes in a comedy and a tragedy. Probably the best essay I've written and the only one I've ever put down that much time on.

But what do we think of Shakespeare over here at the frog blog's official pond?

Well, we love it. I haven't seen a single Hamlet film so this is purely based on the book, if you guys like or know any of the good films please recommend them to me, so that I can say I will watch them and then totally forget it and not watch them. It's the thought that counts though.

Hamlet, the play that contains murder, incest, love, lies, betrayal and drama all elevated to a level beyond our reach, has every element needed to be considered a masterpiece.

This is one of the more well know tragedies that Shakespeare has written yet there's still not a lot of people that fully know the plot so here we go.

"Hamlet" is about Prince Hamlet of Denmark who is studying in England when he receives a message that his father has died and with that he hurries home to Denmark. Once home, he is met by his mother, Queen Gertrud and his uncle Claudius, who announce that they intend to get married. However, the shock is dampened by the closeness of his beloved Ofelia. One evening Hamlet goes to the castle wall where it is said that a ghost appears at night and this is the case this time as well. Hamlet sees the ghost, who is his dead father, and hears that his father has been murdered by Claudius. Confused and frustrated, Hamlet chooses to play insanely close to others, except for his best friend, in order to gain time and gain knowledge more easily.

Hamlet chooses to invite a theater company to confirm his suspicions. He gets the reaction he expected and now knows what must be done, he must avenge his father's death and with that begins a bloodbath.

There we go, a plot that catches your interest if you're into the murder mystery genre.

Hamlet is arguably one of Shakespeares best play, the psychological aspect and the questions of moral, could spark a debate as you can twist and turn this story into different alternative ways it could be handled. Hamlet is the most classic of all Shakespeare's plays and has been played, interpreted and translated into countless versions. Each of us can quote from it, or do so without knowing it, the sick pallor of reflection, method of madness or of course to be or not to be.

The story is interesting, the morals are wild and the ending is definitely something else. The writing is done beautifully, as expected from Shakespeare. And the scenes of comedy to incorporate the more human aspects of these characters is a genius move by Shakespeare. There is really not much to say, except that I had ordered 10 plays and this was the first one I re read, so prepare yourself for multiple Shakespeare reviews, I am absolutely in love.

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